Monday, December 6, 2010

The Art of James Bond

Suave: having a sophisticated charm, smoothly agreeable, and smugly convinced of their respectability. What an absolutely wonderful word. It is something that everyone should strive towards. Few men in our day have mastered the art of being completely debonair. When you have achieved this rakish element, women melt at the mere sound of your voice. Being handsome/well dressed usually goes along with this attribute, which is why I've decided to talk about it. Personally, I think that being suave is most simply broken down into two parts: wit and confidence. It is about knowing when to say something and knowing that when you say it that you are going to get a preset response, thus you are never off your game. Recently I decided to take it upon myself to help a fellow worker out with his suavity due to his complete lack thereof. His personality is amazingly agreeable, but the charm factor was just lacking a little bit. We began by talking about a specific situation where he struggled to find the correct words to use. By going back over the situation and presenting other alternatives he is now equipped if another situation should present itself. Being charming to the opposite sex is something that is not innate in most men, so it is a skill that needs to be honed and practiced until the desired outcome is achieved.

Final Verdict: get out and practice this lost skill and you may be surprised by where it can take you...items off your dinner receipt, good customer service, or just plenty of smiles.

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