Monday, November 1, 2010

Unsung Fashion Protectors

It's a dark, stormy day outside and you are heading to the door. You've spent time this morning picking out all the right items to wear, honing that fine balance between comfort and style. Knowing it is going to rain you most likely grab some sort of a treated trench or hybrid tech fabric coat you have hanging in the closet. Perhaps you slide on some rubber boots and, just before you step out that door, you grab your umbrella. Now, raise your hand if your umbrella is a piece of junk. Mmmmhmm I can see that almost all of you have that appendage raised up. Why do you spend all this time picking out the perfect pieces only to have it be brought down by a crappy umbrella? Tailored raincoat: $695; Hunter welly boots: $125; Umbrella from street vendor: $5; Having your umbrella turn inside out after the first gust of air and looking like a drowned hobo: Priceless.

One piece that is often overlooked when thinking about fashion accessories is the umbrella. Does that mean that you have to spend an arm and a leg on one? Of course not! There are plenty of gorgeous options out there in the $50 - $100 range. Even though that may sound like a lot, think of it as an investment. You've probably gone through 3-4 umbrellas just this last spring season. One quality item could last you years... do the math. But Grant, I lose mine all the time. My answer to you: stop doing that. Didn't your mom ever teach you to check for all your belongings before leaving?

One of my favorite umbrella places is actually Brooks Brothers. They have a broad range of stick variations that not only are in stunning tatteralls, but will easily hold up under the normal day-to-day circumstances. Many of the mid to high-end retailers carry some sort of an assortment, although do you really need to pay $495 for an Alexander McQueen skull handled one? Final Verdict: Not only will a quality umbrella shield you from the rain better, but it'll give your ensemble that extra "je ne sais quoi."

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